Pilate’s Legal Path to Crucifying Jesus By Nathanael Andrade on
Sennacherib’s Invasion of Hezekiah’s Judah: Disputed Victory in Light of Military History By Paul S. Evans on
Narrative Analogy in the David Story By Joanna Kline on
Approaching Comparisons with Ancient Greek Traditions By Andrew Tobolowsky on
“Yes, That’s the Book for Me!”: Ethnographic Insights on White Evangelical Biblicism By Mark Ward Sr on
Paul’s Chord of Gods in Corinth By Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll on
Rendered Relatable: Using Myth to (Re-)Read Hebrew Bible Landscapes By Eric J. P. Wagner on
A Highly Hierarchical History: Same-Sex Relationships in the Biblical World By Thomas Kazen on
What can we Learn from Manuscripts of the New Testament? By Garrick V. Allen on
What People Miss about the Bible on Marriage, Part 3: What is Modeled and How the Marriage Relationship is Leveraged By Jennifer G. Bird on
Why It Is Necessary to Integrate Rabbinic Scholarship Into the Study of Late Antique Intellectual Culture By Catherine Hezser on
The King James Bible Mystique: On Teaching the Bible in Public Schools By Alan Levenson on
Orientalism and Hebrew Bible Scholarship By Ronald Hendel on
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine By Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Emanuel Pfoh on
The Excavations of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (GPIA) on Mount Zion in Jerusalem (2015 and 2023) By Dieter Vieweger on
Hebrew Names in Babylonian Garb By Kathleen Abraham on
Modern Scholarship on 1–2 Maccabees in Its Historical Context: Three Episodes By Daniel R. Schwartz on
Remarriage in Early Christianity? By A. Andrew Das on
The Collective Crucifixion at Golgotha: A Paradigm Shift in the Explanation of Jesus of Nazareth’s Death (and Life) By Fernando Bermejo-Rubio on
Were the Biblical Authors “Elites”? By Yonatan Adler on
Hesi after 50 Years and 130 Years By Edited by John R. Spencer, James W. Hardin, and Jeffrey Blakely on
In Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical and Comprehensive Assessment By Fernando Bermejo-Rubio on
Spaces of ancient Galilee: How Judaism created Galilee and Galilee created Judaism in the time of the Hasmoneans By Joseph Scales on
Imperial Divine Honors and Early Christianity By D. Clint Burnett on
Reading the Bible with the Icelandic Sagas By Siân Grønlie on
What People Miss about the Bible on Marriage, Part 2: Terminology in Both Testaments By By Jennifer G. Bird on
272 BCE – A Terminus a Quo By By Niels P. Lemche on
How Much Did They Really Know? Long-Term Memory, Archaeology and The Topography Of Nazareth By Ken Dark on
Biblical Archaeology—Between Christians and Jews By Hayah Katz on
What People Miss about the Bible on Marriage, Part 1: Jesus’ Words, Ancient Friendships, and the Usefulness of “Slaves” By Jennifer G. Bird on
Excavating Sinai: An Archaeological Approach to Exodus 24:1-11 By Timothy Hogue on
Early Christian Slavery, Early Christian Slaves By Mary Ann Beavis on
The Mt. Ebal Tablet: The First Ancient Postmodern Inscription? By Raz Kletter on
Evangelical Bible Scholarship, Protecting the Text, and Shepherding the Flock By Robert Rezetko on
Evangelicals and the Old Testament, Did the Old Testament Endorse Slavery? Part 2 By Joshua Bowen on
Evangelicals and the Old Testament, Part 1: Rejoinder to Paul Copan on Violence in the Bible By Joshua Bowen on
Can Faith-Based Biblical Interpretation Contribute to Mainstream Scholarship? By Leonard Greenspoon on
Can Reverence and Objectivity Go Together? By Kenneth Seeskin on
On Critical Thinking By Niels Peter Lemche on
Response to Jim West, “Misusing Scripture: A Brief Rejoinder” By Mark Elliott and Kenneth Atkinson and Robert Rezetko on
Misusing Scripture: A Brief Rejoinder By Jim West on
Synopsis of Misusing Scripture: What Are Evangelicals Doing with the Bible? By Mark Elliott and Kenneth Atkinson and Robert Rezetko on
New Technology in an Ancient World: Using Artificial Intelligence to Study Ancient Hebrew Texts By Martin Ehrensvärd, Martijn Naaijer and Anders Søgaard on
The Walls that Nehemiah Built: The Town of Jerusalem in the Persian Period By Margreet L. Steiner on
Paul and Stoic Athletics By Janelle Peters on
Herod, His Progeny, and the Cutting Edge of Power By Bruce Chilton on
New Testament Ethnomusicology in the Indian Context By Johnson Thomaskutty on
“Balderdash!: A Dozen Critically Flawed Biblical Scholarship Views Destined Deservedly for the Dust Bin—Part II” By Paul N. Anderson on
Leviticus 19:18 Does Not Mean “Love Everyone”: Why I Disagree with Richard E. Friedman By Hector Avalos on
Early Muslims and the Bible By Martin Whittingham on