Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire, edited by Jason M. Silverman and Caroline Waerzeggers, is part of the Ancient Near Eastern Monograph series, a peer-reviewed, open-access series sponsored by SBL Press and the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente. To learn more about the ANEM series or to download published ANEM volumes, see the series page here. Caroline Waerzegger’s essay is reprinted here by permission.
By Caroline Waerzeggers
Leiden University
November 2015
Click here for article.
Comments (1)
The more we understand that the increased and vibrant cultural mixing of the Helllenistic age caused many earlier traditions to be reassessed, re-evaluated and re-edited, often with plausible imitation of older styles and often with inspired literary results, the better.
#1 - Martin Hughes - 11/23/2015 - 13:20